Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Corn Festival

Yes, they actually have a festival to celebrate corn over here. And it's really pretty fun! It's like this farm town carnival with some rides, lots of crafts and DE-licious corn! I actually took Gregory and Charla to it last year when Fred and Leora were in Tucson for his cousin Dave's wedding. It was SO fun going as a whole family this year!

When I saw how this picture turned out, it made me laugh SO hard! I just love how every person's expression is different. I LOVE having 4 kids!!

Baby toes!

I love it when they act like they like each other

There was this sort of "encampment" on the edge of the fair where these hippie-types had dutch oven's going next to their raw-hide tents, selling wind chimes, dream catchers and homemade food. They all wore leather clothes they made themselves, like pseudo Indians. It was a little weird, but the kids liked the drum they had out front.

LOVE this shot


Pony rides!

I think Charla enjoyed it most.

"someone's following me..."

That corn was the absolute BEST I've ever eaten! Gregory scarfed down the watermelon before any of us had a chance.


Cute sisters.

Leora just cracks me up. It looks like she's doing a door approach.

YAY for big brothers! He's walking them to the playground.

Cute girl

The playground is brand new- pretty cool stuff! I wonder how it will weather the winter..?

Of course there was resistance when it was time to go. We hoped by doing the old "Bye Charla" and starting to walk toward the car that she would just follow us. Gregory got upset at us for leaving her and ran back to the playground to fetch her. When she wouldn't come willingly, he DRAGGED her. We didn't let him drag her the whole way- once we caught our breath from laughing, Fred scooped up our little screaming ball of fury and we headed home.


Trish Olsen said...

I hope Charla is feeling okay i think even before you guys moved away she was into dresses and this is the first time i have seen her in something other than that in over 2 years lol. ;) looks like you guys had a TON of fun

Luann said...

Sometimes older siblings can be a little too helpful...love the pictures. We need to get out and do more of the things Tucson has to offer.

Shawna said...

I LOVE the last picture- Kaylon and I are both laughing. Grace is 'helpful' in that way too!

natalieandderyk said...

Looks like you guys are having too much fun!! Great pics.

AmyLovesDavid said...

The last picture is definitely the best of all...complete with skid marks in the mulch! :-)