Telling my family was simple and sweet. I called my mom on her birthday, September 17th (I found out on Gregory's birthday, September 15th) and asked her, "What happened on your birthday exactly 20 years ago today?" She didn't hesitate.
"That morning I found out I was pregnant with Lars, and crawled back in bed. Then your father invited the whole branch over to wake me up by singing happy birthday to me in my room and then we all ate breakfast." (We were stationed at the Naval Base in Rota, Spain)
So I told her, "Well, I can't cram the ward in your room for birthday breakfast, but I can tell you that you're going to have another grandbaby." It just seemed perfect.
So I swore them to secrecy, because I had big plans for telling Fred's family. I had come up with it long before we got pregnant and it had "Olsen" written all over it...
I wanted it to be a total surprise, but hoped that my method of deliverance wouldn't make them suspect. Eric's birthday on October 18th was perfect. Sending a package then wouldn't be suspicious, and I'm sure they figured any pregnancy announcement would come at Christmas, like it has in the past.
I kept the First Response box that my test came in AND the individual foil wrapper the pee stick itself came in. Then I grabbed 2 popsicle sticks and wrote on one, "Yes, we're pregnant, too" (my sister-in-law is 7 weeks ahead of me). On another I wrote, "You didn't REALLY think I'd send you the actual pee stick, did you?" I taped them together, written sides facing out, trying to imitate the shape of a real pregnancy test.
My sisters-in-law were awesome. They schemed with me and were ready with the camera when it was birthday party time. They also called both Fred and I on cell phones so we could "be there" for it.
Without further a due, here's the video of Fred's family finding out about our #4:
BTW i have a better video on photo bucket if you would rather that one :) but this one is good too. :) it worked out great :)
trish showed me the video it's cute
u are so clever and crafty!!!:) i am a little late with the news, so congratulations!!!
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