Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Carrots and Division

We had steamed carrots with dinner tonight. Gregory's not a big veggie fan, so I tried hyping up the carrots by telling him about their "Secret Power" to help him see in the dark. He seemed mildly intrigued, but wasted no time trying to talk his way out of eating the 3 measly carrots on his plate.

Finally I gave him the option of eating all 3 or just 2. Of course he went for 2. So he reluctantly picked up his carrot. Then he grins. He breaks it in half and eats both halves at once. Then he announces that he ate 2 carrots. Nice try, Einstein.


Liz said...

That is so funny and what a smart kid!! I don't think as an adult that I would come up with that. Maybe I'm lame. So did he get away with eating really one carrot:) I'm only kidding.

Ashley and Spencer Bunn said...

that's so funny. Kaylee only eats her veggies in her cereal or it's mixed in with her graduate foods

Luann said...

Isn't amazing to see them start to think and work out problems? Some day he will outsmart you.

Frozen Cacti said...

Yup. Like I've said before - You're gonna have to watch out for that one!